Sunday, November 24, 2013


Far away, from the glitzy present,
Flourished a time, of bounty effervescent.
The nature ,flirted on with the human!
Showering rain and glittery shine.
Swaying paddy spread far and wide,
Gathering celestial kisses with pride.
The distant past exuded fresh air.
With less of concrete jangled snare.
Then apples and berries were just fruits.
They transformed now to gadgets and phones!
The trees were greener and fruits sweeter,
For no harmful sprays were there to hamper.
Kids plucked the flowers with intense pleasure,
Unlike their present plastic treasure.
Nocturnal sounds were heard aloud,
Now, it all sums to an electronic grind.
Winter was cooler ,summer sun ripe.
Autumn shedded leaves for spring`s green grip.
Vanishing is that egregious time,
Vandalizing earth, of her quality prime